
Showing posts from May, 2023


      BY MATILDA PHIRI Africa has many victims who are denied equal rights in society. In some societies, girls also experience social exclusion when it comes to making important decisions. In my country, Malawian girls, street children, and albinos face numerous challenges every day. As a young writer and a woman, it is my responsibility to educate people about equality as human beings. Whatever a man can do, a woman can do as well. I focus my writing on the plight of street kids, young women, and albinos. I write short stories in newspapers about them. Additionally, I have published an award-winning novel about a young girl who was once a street child. She overcame her struggles and succeeded in life, empowering girls to love education, be independent, and contribute to the development of the country. In Malawi, we have a significant problem where some people believe that killing albinos will make them wealthy. This issue requires extensive civic education, which I also write abou

One Man Can Change The World-Do You Believe this?

  BY MATILDA PHIRI One man can change the world, and that's what I believe. I believe that you are that person who can bring about change in your country. While I may not be aware of the specific problems you are facing, you are aware of them, and you have the power to change them. You have a purpose, so awaken and start making a difference wherever you can. Be a responsible citizen, as your country is in desperate need of you. Do not underestimate yourself. If you are from Malawi, where there are numerous cases of school dropouts, starting from primary and secondary school, then take action. For instance, many girls drop out due to early marriages and unwanted pregnancies, making them vulnerable to HIV. In Malawi, young people account for 50% of new HIV infections, with a higher prevalence among certain age groups, such as 15-17 year olds. According to the UNAIDS Data of 2017, 3.6% of young women and 2.5% of young men (aged 15-24) are living with HIV in Malawi. Urban youth t

My Boyfriend is not Forgiving Me What Should I Do?

 Dear Friend  I'm sorry to hear that your boyfriend is not forgiving you. It's important to understand that forgiveness is a personal choice and it's not something that can be forced upon someone. However, there are some steps you can take to try to make amends and repair the relationship. Apologize: It's important to apologize sincerely for whatever it is that you did wrong. Make sure your apology is genuine and that you take responsibility for your actions. Listen: Listen to your boyfriend's feelings and concerns. Try to understand why he is having difficulty forgiving you and show that you are willing to make changes to prevent the same situation from happening again in the future. Give him space: Sometimes, people need space and time to process their emotions. Respect his space and give him the time he needs to come to a decision. Be patient: Forgiveness is a process and it may take time. Be patient and give your boyfriend the time he needs to forgive you. Seek

A Sweet Marriage Story

By Matilda Phiri John and Emily had been married for six months when they decided to take a road trip across the country. As they drove through the winding roads and breathtaking landscapes, they talked about their dreams and aspirations, their fears and doubts, and the little things that made them smile. One night, as they sat under the stars by a campfire, Emily turned to John and asked, "What do you think makes a marriage last?" John thought for a moment before answering, "I think it's the little things that matter the most. The way you look at each other when you wake up in the morning, the small gestures of kindness that show you care, and the willingness to forgive and move forward when things get tough." Emily smiled and nodded, feeling grateful for the man she had married. As they cuddled together under the blanket, she knew that they had a lifetime of adventures and challenges ahead of them, but she was confident that as long as they kept loving


  A LETTER FROM A FAN Dear blogger, I have this advice to give. I hope this gets published on your blog. I love your articles. Please keep writing. Thank you! There was a time when I dated a rich man who used to give me everything I wanted. I did not lack anything. As time went by, I became so dependent on him and I did not even want to apply for jobs because I had everything I wanted. But life surprises you as when you think you have reached at the door that’s when you are kicked out. He dumped me like a piece of dirty paper and he went abroad. He started ignoring my calls and that was the end of our relationship. I was frustrated. I did not know where to start and I had no money within two months. I didn’t want to be broke again. I was about to go mad. But I had to grow up and be productive to depend on myself as a human being put on earth for a purpose. I looked for a job though it was not easy, until one morning, when I received a call from this company and I was employed after

Win the Big Brother Competition

  WIN THE BIG BROTHER COMPETITION-Big Brother Africa,  Big Brother Naija,  Big Brother Naija All Stars, Big Brother Titans,  #BBNaijaAllStars BY MATILDA PHIRI Read this if you want to participate and win in big brother competitions. Use these points at auditions to answer the questions in a smart way. Be audacious, smart and have a strong personality. Tell them your business idea or the brand you want to build. Know the big brother values and missions that young people realize their full potential and build long lasting relationship. The audition is your chance to stand out and prove to the public on why they should tune in to each week and also after for the duration of the show to watch you. Tell big brother these guiding points:   Dear Big Brother, I think I am the right candidate for the big brother housemate because I see myself as audacious. I know that I’m entertaining and outgoing person. One of my hobbies is making new friends and chatting. I’m aware that I’ll meet d

Malawi Writers Union (MAWU) Visits the Cyclone Freddy Victims

  Malawi Writers Union (MAWU) Visits the Cyclone Freddy Victims By Matilda Phiri Malawi Writers Union (MAWU) members on Saturday, 29 th April, 2023 visited two Cyclone Freddy victims’ camps Nanjiriri and Nanthoka in Machinjiri, Blantyre. The writers donated food and non-food items to victims. The items donated included assorted clothes, shoes and food items. The victims were so grateful to what the writers did as they are lacking a lot of things in their life. I’m glad to be part of the team that visited the victims and cheered them on. I managed to give a few books I authored to school children and they were so excited with the books. The Vice president of MAWU Mr Davie Chingwalu presenting clothes to the victims Every day, every morning, they have to go to look for manual work in people’s houses to have food for that day; no work no food. As we visited the camps, most adults were not there; they had already gone to look for piece works. They said they are lacking food, charcoal

The 2023 Malawi Cyclone Freddy

The 2023 Malawi Cyclone Freddy By Matilda Phiri The March 2023, Tropical Cyclone Freddy hit the southern region of Malawi hard unleashing a tragedy to Malawians, with 507 people dead, 537 people missing and over 500,000 displaced in the 12 affected district. Roads, property, food and several belongings being lost. This terrible memory will live with us for the rest of our lives.   Being a poor country, this is sad news as we don't know where to start from, how we are going to recover and where we are going to start from? We need to understand that this is not a ones man’s job, we need to work hand in hand to revive our country. We are sending out a call of help to our development partners.   The head of state together with his vice president were deeply touched with the sad development, they both continue to help the victims and play a huge role in seeking help for the victims. The vice president is also highlighting the need for people to relocate to areas which are not

A Letter to the Blogger-A Reply on How Young People can Deal with Poverty

By Matilda Phiri  A Reply on Article of How Young People Can Deal with Poverty Dear Blogger I have read your passage and I must say it offers several ideas for how young people can address poverty in their lives and in their communities. However, there are some limitations and assumptions that need to be examined. Firstly, you  state that poverty is like a disease and suggests that it can only be addressed through quick and wise action. While it is true that poverty can have long-lasting effects and can be difficult to overcome, it is not necessarily a disease that can be cured simply through effort and wise choices. Structural factors such as inequality, lack of access to education and resources, and economic policies can all contribute to poverty and need to be addressed at a  systemic level. Secondly, you  imply that hard work is not enough to overcome poverty and that young people need to do the right thing at the right time. While it is true that hard work alone is not always suff

Home Sweet Home

A Poem By Matilda Phiri I will dig the land of my ancestors  And find that gold, My mother, my father, my sister, Friends,  I am coming home I am coming home to stay. Welcome me your son.