
Showing posts with the label old testament


Many times when God is shifting your seasons it has nothing to do with your ability. He will do things that you could not have done to help yourself.  Joseph was unfairly treated but yet in God’s will.  He was well aware of His destiny even at the age of 17.  He was sold into slavery by his own brothers.  Joseph then became chief Slave in Potiphar’s house. He must have thought this is the ultimate breakthrough after all he had been through. But he lost that opportunity and was thrown in jail. It was getting worse.  Joseph probably thought the way many of us are thinking about our lives now .  “When will all this end Lord?”. The Lord was with Joseph in his hard seasons though , the Bible says.  In prison Joseph tried to arrange his own breakthrough . He told the cupbearer for whom he favorably interpreted a dream to remember him before Pharoah. The man forgot him for two years!  Because it was not God’s time to shift seasons. Joseph’s idea of a bre...