
Showing posts with the label Africa


                            GUEST WRITER  CHIKUMBUTSO BILLY THAWALE Chikumbutso is a Malawian young writer who writes poems, short stories and novels. He is currently a University student at Chancellor College in Zomba, Malawi.  Four years have passed, yet the pain remains A long night of terror, a monster's cruel games I was flooded with pain, unable to fight And though I cried out, my voice was lost in the night My parents, my friends, thought it was a lie But I know the truth, and the tears won't dry Fear still fills my eyes, a constant reminder Of the trauma I faced, the suffering I endured  Will I ever escape this prison of shame? Can I cleanse the scars and reclaim my name? My future, once bright, now lies in decay But I refuse to let it fade away No, it's not over, my sister, it's not the end The fire within me still burns, a passion that transcends A vision takes shape, a mission to fulfill I'll rise up, take action, and make my spirit soar still. STOP RAPE.


                        TB Joshua  The 2024 BBC documentary on the renowned Nigerian prophet, TB Joshua, of the Synagogue Church of All Nations and Emmanuel Television, has left many in shock. Often regarded as a man of God due to his purported healing abilities, including curing the sick, those with HIV/AIDS, cancer patients, and even facilitating the walking of disabled individuals, TB Joshua's public image seemed to align with the acts of a genuine prophet. However, revelations from past disciples who left the church suggest a different narrative, alleging abuse by the prophet. In Matthew 24:24, the Bible forewarns of the last days, cautioning that false messiahs and false prophets will arise, presenting themselves as followers of Jesus. They will perform great signs and wonders while ultimately engaging in wrongdoing against God's kingdom. The scripture urges believers to exercise caution, emphasizing that these false prophets will appear as angels of light. This is because

Lessons Learned from Morocco: Exploring Developments, Businesses, and Way of Life

  Morocco, a country teeming with vibrant culture, rich history, and breathtaking landscapes, offers a treasure trove of lessons to be learned. From its remarkable developments to its thriving businesses and unique way of life, Morocco provides valuable insights that can inspire and enlighten people from all corners of the globe. One of the most striking aspects of Morocco is its impressive strides in development. Over the years, the country has made significant investments in infrastructure, education, and technology, propelling it towards modernization and economic growth. From bustling cities like Casablanca with its towering skyscrapers to picturesque rural villages adorned with traditional architecture, Morocco seamlessly blends the old with the new, showcasing a harmonious coexistence between tradition and progress. In terms of businesses, Morocco boasts a diverse and dynamic entrepreneurial landscape. From bustling markets and souks brimming with handmade crafts and artisanal go

Lessons from Ugandan Businesses: Insights for African Entrepreneurs

                               A Shopping Mall in Uganda  Uganda, a country known for its entrepreneurial spirit and vibrant business landscape, offers valuable lessons that individuals across Africa can learn from to nurture and grow their own businesses. From innovative approaches to customer service and market penetration to resilience in the face of challenges, Ugandan entrepreneurs exemplify traits and strategies that can inspire and guide aspiring business owners continent-wide. Entrepreneurial Ingenuity and Innovation: Ugandan businesses are renowned for their entrepreneurial ingenuity and innovation, often finding creative solutions to address market needs and challenges. Whether it's developing affordable and locally sourced products or leveraging technology to reach new customers, Ugandan entrepreneurs demonstrate a knack for identifying opportunities and adapting to changing market dynamics. For example, the good, classy restaurants, spas, clubs and big shopping malls o


  AFRICA When I catch a glimpse of your beauty, Beautiful people, lakes, and rivers, Perfectly crafted mountains, oceans, and waterfalls, Most treasured wildlife, You outshine diamonds brightly.   So peaceful and warm-hearted like Malawi, Your soil pregnant with wealth and pure water is what you excrete, Not surprising how you catch the eyes of tourists, News about you spreads to every corner it touches, For you are truly blessed.   Africa, Africa, my only continent, Rich in natural minerals, With a culture that embraces everything That exists, And beautiful women, And appetizing fish like Chambo in Malawi.   Every time my mind recalls the slave trade, The Thangata system, and all evil acts, Like babies, your people cried, Your people were tortured, Then light came, defeating darkness, Light always wins, Just as Satan never shakes hands with light, Africa is feared, Africa is still on the verge of prospering, Soon we shall wear

The African Anthem-By Dr Benedicto Wokomaatani Malunga

  GUEST WRITER DR BENEDICTO WOKOMAATANI MALUNGA THE AFRICAN ANTHEM Empowered with sound principles Diligently developed  In Africa by Africans Justified by deep passions And profound notions Revealed to us  Enthusiastically  By our deep thinkers I take a cherished  Solemn vow  Like a priest Before my admirable  Great African leaders To declare   To the  watching  world That I shall tell  A catchy rainbow tale Of the mesmerizing  majesty  Of my beloved continent Africa With appreciation Good will and intention So that the greatness  Of my lovely people May speedily and Spontaneously spread far. I shall creatively  Weave the true story Of my proud  And industrious  Compatriots With my bright  And enlightened peers So that our  Deserved pride  And dignity Eroded by misleading  And vicious distortions Of our so called Despicable bleeding  And painful past Carried by narratives Of spiteful strangers Are left to perpetually rot And quickly disappear Into the dustbin  Of forgetfulness. I shal