
Showing posts with the label Africa development

The Lessons Learned from Tanzania: Insights for Other African Nations

  Tanzania, a diverse and culturally rich country in East Africa, offers a wealth of lessons that other African nations can learn from and apply to their own contexts. From its emphasis on inclusive development and environmental conservation to its commitment to promoting social cohesion and cultural heritage, Tanzania serves as a source of inspiration and guidance for countries across the continent. Community-Based Conservation Efforts: Tanzania's approach to conservation emphasizes community involvement and empowerment, recognizing local communities as key stakeholders in the management and preservation of natural resources. Through initiatives such as community-based conservation areas and wildlife management projects, Tanzania has successfully engaged local communities in conservation efforts while promoting sustainable livelihoods. Other African countries can learn from Tanzania's model of community-based conservation, which fosters environmental stewardship, supports rur


                                                        THE AFRICA WE WANT Africa as a continent we are blessed with a lot of natural resources that need to be explored properly if we are to develop. We have plenty fertile soil and minerals. Africa would have been the richest in the world by now but because of so many things that happens like Corruption which makes it hard to achieve her goals. The cases of wars and presence of terrorist attacks, economic crisis and old fashioned education system are all serious issues hindering development. This is not Africa we want, we need socio-economic transformation and a zero tolerance on corruption with no more absolute poverty but with people doing things they want without being oppressed in any way because of gender or physical make up. Africa as united as we are, we need to do things together as one country especially neighbouring countries. For example, Ghana and Nigeria already started this in movies where they do together and they are pr