
Showing posts with the label Malawi

Malawi Parliament Passes Arts NAHEC Bill, Boosting Creative Sector

Matilda Phiri (Author & Poet) reciting her poem to pupils at Phaloni Primary School in Phalombe The Malawi Parliament has passed the long-awaited Arts NAHEC (National Arts, Heritage, and Cultural) Bill, a landmark decision set to revitalize the country’s creative industries. This bill is expected to enhance support for various artistic talents, including literature, music, film, and other cultural expressions, marking a significant step in promoting Malawi’s rich heritage and diverse talents. As an author, I can’t wait to see the impact this will have on writing and other talents in our country. This bill will offer much-needed support to creatives, providing platforms for their work to thrive and be appreciated both locally and globally. The bill, which aims to establish a framework for nurturing and promoting the arts, has been widely supported by the creative community. With new funding opportunities and institutional backing, many expect that the next generation of Malawian art


Athlete Emmanuel and Author Matilda at Global Total fit Day Many people think athletic activities do not help one earn a living. They also wrongly think that an athlete does not require education to succeed, but those in this career believe otherwise. Athlete EMMANUEL MAGOMBO, sheds more light on his career. Tell us more about yourself? I was born at Kadewere Village in Traditional Authority Chikumbu in Mulanje. I am the first-born in a family of three children. I lost both parents when I was in standard three, hence, I encountered a lot of challenges to earn up a living. During weekends, I concentrated on piece- work (ganyu) for survival. I did my secondary school education up to form four and complemented my sporting courses at various institutions. I am appreciative of one Peter Channon for financing my driving lessons. In 2018, 1 got married to Esmie Kaunda and we have a child, Ipianah. Who is an athlete? He/she is one who takes part in different sporting activities, In fact, there


                            GUEST WRITER  CHIKUMBUTSO BILLY THAWALE Chikumbutso is a Malawian young writer who writes poems, short stories and novels. He is currently a University student at Chancellor College in Zomba, Malawi.  Four years have passed, yet the pain remains A long night of terror, a monster's cruel games I was flooded with pain, unable to fight And though I cried out, my voice was lost in the night My parents, my friends, thought it was a lie But I know the truth, and the tears won't dry Fear still fills my eyes, a constant reminder Of the trauma I faced, the suffering I endured  Will I ever escape this prison of shame? Can I cleanse the scars and reclaim my name? My future, once bright, now lies in decay But I refuse to let it fade away No, it's not over, my sister, it's not the end The fire within me still burns, a passion that transcends A vision takes shape, a mission to fulfill I'll rise up, take action, and make my spirit soar still. STOP RAPE.


We often leave our kids to stay with our parents. While it's not a bad idea, prolonged stays can pose issues. Take, for instance, a child who got so accustomed to calling their grandma "Granny" that when visiting their own mother, they accidentally referred to her as "Granny" too. She laughed it off, but now the child insists on calling her mother "Granny" or "Gogo" (grandmother). People tend to comment on couples they deem mismatched, pointing out the contrast between a beautiful lady, whom they liken to a flower, and her partner, described as being like a beast or a stone. But why does it matter? Perhaps these individuals complement each other in ways unseen by others when they are alone. Some people are naturally funny. Their mere presence brings joy, without even uttering a word. Such individuals have a gift for brightening your day, reminding us of the diversity that makes each of us unique. Mobile phones keep us perpetually occupied. Ju


  AFRICA When I catch a glimpse of your beauty, Beautiful people, lakes, and rivers, Perfectly crafted mountains, oceans, and waterfalls, Most treasured wildlife, You outshine diamonds brightly.   So peaceful and warm-hearted like Malawi, Your soil pregnant with wealth and pure water is what you excrete, Not surprising how you catch the eyes of tourists, News about you spreads to every corner it touches, For you are truly blessed.   Africa, Africa, my only continent, Rich in natural minerals, With a culture that embraces everything That exists, And beautiful women, And appetizing fish like Chambo in Malawi.   Every time my mind recalls the slave trade, The Thangata system, and all evil acts, Like babies, your people cried, Your people were tortured, Then light came, defeating darkness, Light always wins, Just as Satan never shakes hands with light, Africa is feared, Africa is still on the verge of prospering, Soon we shall wear

Happy 59th Independence Day Malawi -My Country Poem and its Review

                            MY COUNTRY                                                       Define patriotism and my picture will be its visual aid Peace is the only word that hovers around in our country My every vein needs peace, so does everyone’s Butter and honey is all that smeared the walls of our country   Point a gun at me with a command that I leave this country, Well, just pull the trigger Lakes and rivers makes our country a whole blessed piece For every soul longs for a soothing cold drops from our lakes Calling it beautiful is an understatement A really warm heart to even the white species   So dear to me, this country is loaded with nature, It is another description of my country Be empty without nature, chaos will be the bullet you can never dodge Our beauty is a magnet that pulls tourists Perfect is another word for it   Glued to my heart is this country A fair culture is also what makes us unique Who would not love a culture


BY MATILDA PHIRI (President Malawi League Of Women Writers)  The League of African women writers was born after the League of Morocco women writers. Now we have the League of African women writers, an association of African women writers where they meet and share different ideas. There was a conference for 3 days in Morocco, Rabat from 9th to 11th March, 2023 for the league of African women writers. The aim for the League was to help African women get to know each other, further our writing career internationally and also to reap from our works. Many African Countries attended like Malawi, Tanzania, Mozambique, South Africa, Kenya, Nigeria, Ghana, Guinea Bissau, Sierra Leone, Senegal, Chad, Egypt, Eritrea, Burundi, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, DRC, Comoros Islands, Angola, etc. As women we are powerful and as women writers, we can bring change to our continent. We were advised to write about the history of Africa continent, Children's rights, Women's rights, Human rights and also to


  Mulanje mountain is the tallest mountain in Malawi and the second largest in Africa after Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. Please make a visit when you are in Malawi. You’ll never regret. Enjoy the poem!!! MULANJE MOUNTAIN By Matilda Phiri Your vastness kisses the clouds So beautiful like a princess So amazing like the Egyptians pyramids No one can strike your beauty No one can stand against you You are your own shield Only a mirror exposes your look-alike Weirdly shaped trees expose your magnificent looks Rivers that belch nothing but clean water and peace Rocks that only the Creator can move, they seek refuge in your territory Extremely strong herbs lie in you Brings dawn closer to my eyes Renders to me safety Exposes my teeth not through wailing but smiles Makes my life more of just mere existence. Waterfall we see from afar Shining like a morning star Piles my broken heart together You're unique and irresistible. You’re adorable and full o

An African Woman

POEM BY MATILDA PHIRI An African Woman So adorable in the eyes Appetizing like dark chocolate Full of treasure and wisdom Mother of all and true queen Find this beautiful African woman.   A picture of a modern African lady from Malawi

Malawi's President Promotes Arts

MALAWI’S PRESIDENT PROMOTES ARTS It is good to note that our president is promoting and appreciating arts in the country. Malawi as a country is far much behind in the Arts sector. We do not have a lot movies to offer internationally like our friends do in Nigeria, South Africa, etc. because we do not get much support from the government as compared to other countries.   As of late, trending pictures surfaced on social media pages of a Malawian UK-based standup comedian Dalitso Chaponda at the State House with Malawi’s President Dr Lazarus Chakwera. Of course Dalitso was with his colleague, a Ugandan comedian, Patrick Salvado. This was something major as he confirmed through his Facebook page that he was indeed invited at the State House by the president to encourage him in his career as he was putting Malawi on the map. Dalitso is one of the greatest comedians we have ever had in Malawi who has also gone popular internationally. His standup sets are unique and very comical. H