
Showing posts with the label Thangata system


  AFRICA When I catch a glimpse of your beauty, Beautiful people, lakes, and rivers, Perfectly crafted mountains, oceans, and waterfalls, Most treasured wildlife, You outshine diamonds brightly.   So peaceful and warm-hearted like Malawi, Your soil pregnant with wealth and pure water is what you excrete, Not surprising how you catch the eyes of tourists, News about you spreads to every corner it touches, For you are truly blessed.   Africa, Africa, my only continent, Rich in natural minerals, With a culture that embraces everything That exists, And beautiful women, And appetizing fish like Chambo in Malawi.   Every time my mind recalls the slave trade, The Thangata system, and all evil acts, Like babies, your people cried, Your people were tortured, Then light came, defeating darkness, Light always wins, Just as Satan never shakes hands with light, Africa is feared, Africa is still on the verge of prospering, Soon we shall wear