
Showing posts with the label Bible verses

What You Don't Know About Bible

By Matilda Phiri The Bible, what a book! It’s not just a book it is more than that. It’s direct word of God to his people. The bible cannot be compared to any book on earth. It contains the mind of God, the state of man, the way of salvation, the doom of sinners and the happiness of believers. Its doctrines are holy, its histories are true and its decisions are immutable. Read it to be wise, believe it to be safe and practice it to be holy. It contains light to direct you, food to support you and comfort to cheer you. Bible is the traveller's map, the pilgrim's staff, the soldiers’ sword and the Christian's charter. Here paradise is restored, heaven opened and the gates of hell closed. Christ is its grand subject, our God the design and the glory of God its end. The bible should fill the memory, the heart and guide the feet. Read it slowly, frequently and prayerfully. It is a mine of wealth, a paradise of glory and a river of pleasure. If you condemn it you are doomed f

A Must Read-Good News of Jesus

 *NOVEMBER MONTHLY PRAYER MEETING* *Date*: 5 Nov. 2022 *Speaker*: Ps. June Lutwama *Theme*: Ex.15:2-3 _Intro_ What happened at the Red Sea was just a fulfillment of what God has started a long time ago. He had promised Abraham that he would be a father of nations. He also informed him that his descendants would become slaves. It was not a mistake, God had foretold it hundreds of years ago. 📖 Gen.15:13-14 A lot of times we think that the things that happen in our lives are a mistake, that they surprise God. Our God knows the end from the beginning, He knows about what you are going through. He understands it. 📖 Ps.23:4 Life is about battles but God will help us to win. The trials in our lives are there to build our faith. 📖 Jas.1:2-4 📌 This story begins with Joseph being taken to Egypt as a slave. When he eventually reunites with his brothers he says that God had meant it all for good. 🔥 Some of the tribulations we are facing are not about us or for us! 📌 After Joseph goes through