A Must Read-Good News of Jesus

*Date*: 5 Nov. 2022
*Speaker*: Ps. June Lutwama
*Theme*: Ex.15:2-3

What happened at the Red Sea was just a fulfillment of what God has started a long time ago.

He had promised Abraham that he would be a father of nations. He also informed him that his descendants would become slaves.

It was not a mistake, God had foretold it hundreds of years ago.

📖 Gen.15:13-14

A lot of times we think that the things that happen in our lives are a mistake, that they surprise God. Our God knows the end from the beginning, He knows about what you are going through. He understands it.

📖 Ps.23:4

Life is about battles but God will help us to win. The trials in our lives are there to build our faith.

📖 Jas.1:2-4

📌 This story begins with Joseph being taken to Egypt as a slave. When he eventually reunites with his brothers he says that God had meant it all for good.

🔥 Some of the tribulations we are facing are not about us or for us!

📌 After Joseph goes through the pit, etc. his faith is so grown that he realises that this whole thing is not about him but was part of the plan of God.

🔥 As you go through the journey with God, your faith grows.

📌 It was the plan of God that Israel grew and multiplied in Egypt. And at the right time, He came and saved them.

🔥 God knows exactly what you are going through. At the right time, he will come through and right on time.

📖 Ex.3:7-10

🔥 Just as the cry of the Israelites reached God's ears, your cries have reached his ears. Just as God was concerned about the Israelites, He is concerned about you. If you believe in this God, he will also fight for you.

📌 When God declared to Moses that it was time for the Israelites to be delivered from slavery, there was a battle (that period of time when the plagues took place).

📌 God has a systematic way of doing things. These were not just plagues on Egypt. God was dealing with the gods of Egypt.

- The Nile was worshipped as a god, as well as the sun. So instead of delivering the Israelites in a day, God dealt with the gods of Egypt, one by one.

🔥 Some of the things that have bound us need to be dealt with systematically; step by step.

🔥 Some of the enemies we are dealing with have their hearts hardened like Pharaoh until the purpose for that battle is fulfilled.

📖 Ex.12:31-36

📌 The God who touched the hearts of the Egyptians and caused them to give jewellery to the Israelites can do anything!

📌 He might not be answering like you want him to because that is your process.

📌 Process is very important in the Kingdom of God.

📌 God can answer instantly or you might need to go through a process.

📌 In that process, your character is refined, your faith grows.

📌 You will grow in God, in relationship with Him, in the knowledge of Him, if you go into His word, and the necessary process.

🔥 For you to become the strong Christian that you should be, learn about what the Word says about your situation.

📌 In the desert, Pharaoh and his army come after the children of Israel and they are quick to complain because they do not have a personal relationship with God like Moses does.

📌 When something happens, some of us are quick to complain. We have the spirit of a complainer. This is the opposite of faith. God hates complainers.

- So much that because of their complaints, the people of Israel wandered in the desert for 40years!

📌 Watch the things that have come out of your mouth during the time of waiting. Have they been complaints about sickness, marriage, your husband, etc.?

📌 You cannot pray in faith and talk in unbelief!

_If you're believing God for a breakthrough, get out of the realm of a pity party!_

🔥 The spirit of faith and the spirit of complaining are not the same!

📌 The spirit of faith speaks faith, it declares the Word.
📌 Watch how you pray, what you pray.

📌 A lot of times when we want God to intervene in our lives, we already have a solution in mind.


📌 At the Red Sea, none of them would have figured out the solution God would have come up with. When you're dealing with God, take yourself out of the situation, be still and let him do his thing.

🔥 In whatever you're believing God for, He will do it in His way, and in His time.

📌 God fought for the Israelites and in the midst of their trials he was there; a pillar of cloud by day and pillar of fire by night.

📌 Your only job is to believe God! Jesus said: only believe!

📌 The instruction you carry out after you have believed should be given by the Holy Spirit. If you really must do anything
Take your experience and culture out of it!

📌 This situation was personal to God! With his hands he dismantled the chariots of the Egyptians. He became personally involved!

📖 Ex.14:24-25

🔥 The Lord will get personally involved in your life, in your issues because you are his child!

🔥 He will answer your prayers!

🔥 The Lord will fight for you!

🔥 Prepare for a permanent move of God in your life! When God is done with your issue, it will be permanent.

🔥 Stay in faith!

📖 2Cor.12:7-10

📌 As long as you're believing God:
1) the grace of God is sufficient for you. You will carry on, you will survive.
2) the power of God is being perfected in you.

_There is an anointing that comes because you have stood in your battle not moving and not complaining.
🔥 In your weak state, God has taken over. The strength you have in your weakness is supernatural.

_God's strength has taken over!

- Growth in faith = don't have to see the things all the time.
- Growth in faith = you have prayed something through in your heart = peace,

📖 Phil.4:6-7

📌 Once you have reached there just keep believing like Abraham, in his old age.

📖 Rom.4:18-21


🔥 As you wait, God will intervene in your situation!

📖 Num.23:19

🔥 Today, believe that God will move powerfully in your life!



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