WHY MALAWI? Why Malawi? A country as small as it is, with poor people but a lot of issues. I cannot believe as a nation, we are still failing to fight corruption which has destroyed our small beautiful country with all resources to make us wealthy. Malawi has got fertile soil which if used properly, can make us an exporting country but most land is underutilised because of rampant corruption. We read every day in the newspapers of huge corruption scandals happening in different government departments and ministries but nothing is done to these corrupt people and yet the money embezzled is the tax payer’s money which is meant for the country's development. This has happened in Malawi, where a government ministry abused tractor funds and only apologised in the newspaper for their actions and yet we are talking of billions of Malawi Kwachas. How can we develop if we are abusing government funds like personal money? No way! It’s impossible. There are so many corruption ...