
Showing posts with the label spiritual teachings

A Must Read-Good News of Jesus

 *NOVEMBER MONTHLY PRAYER MEETING* *Date*: 5 Nov. 2022 *Speaker*: Ps. June Lutwama *Theme*: Ex.15:2-3 _Intro_ What happened at the Red Sea was just a fulfillment of what God has started a long time ago. He had promised Abraham that he would be a father of nations. He also informed him that his descendants would become slaves. It was not a mistake, God had foretold it hundreds of years ago. 📖 Gen.15:13-14 A lot of times we think that the things that happen in our lives are a mistake, that they surprise God. Our God knows the end from the beginning, He knows about what you are going through. He understands it. 📖 Ps.23:4 Life is about battles but God will help us to win. The trials in our lives are there to build our faith. 📖 Jas.1:2-4 📌 This story begins with Joseph being taken to Egypt as a slave. When he eventually reunites with his brothers he says that God had meant it all for good. 🔥 Some of the tribulations we are facing are not about us or for us! 📌 After Joseph goes through