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                                             BIBLE                               BY MATILDA PHIRI Your mightiness trembles darkness They know you're not their ally In your veins, life flows to humanity A solution to every headache The most instant conversation between God and mankind   Your fist rules all papers merged into books Only in you promises have a definite meaning The weary gets back on their feet through you You are a fierce sword displayed in words True message of God for his people Those that hold onto you tightly, forever they live.   With faith humans rise from illnesses Freedom engulfs possessed people All with one word, FAITH Without you, man will perish Every power dwells in you To our hearts you are so dear``


                                           WHEN GOD IS WITH YOU                                             BY MATILDA PHIRI Blessings are now my stepping stones Success is the quick language my ears are now grasping All my hands touches, blessed it becomes Every place my feet lands on becomes mine No weapon surpasses my blessings The powerful book spoke and I believed   Riches and favours are all that’s guarding me Because in me lies specialness Someone who really cares for me His love for me is nothing that can be melted and Washed away Jesus Christ is my life and my love My future, my bond and my business.   My family knows nothing but blessings The devil cannot even lift his eyes to eye my blessings I’ve found my peace like a river in Jesus His love is incomparable Life without him is a complete chaos Welcome him in your home also You shall never weep.    


TO MY JESUS by Matilda Phiri On my birthday 🎂🎉 The day I was born My special day I would like to show my gratitude to Jesus in heaven my best friend, my father and my everything. Thank you for the unconditional love. My life is nothing without you You are my hero and my truth. Thank you again for adding another year to me. Thank you for the precious gift called life. Thank you for allowing me to be born, to see the beautiful earth you created. It is beautiful and serene I love it. Thanks for the beautiful lakes and rivers. I must confess I love them Oh. Oh thank you for the different fruits that you created. The apple and peach fruits, my favourites. In fact I love all the fruits you created. I enjoy eating them. The beautiful mountains with Natural green trees oh they are a plus. And then you saw it was great thing to create me in your own image to be your best friend here on earth, oh God   how should I repay you for all these good things? Thank y

A Must Read-Good News of Jesus

 *NOVEMBER MONTHLY PRAYER MEETING* *Date*: 5 Nov. 2022 *Speaker*: Ps. June Lutwama *Theme*: Ex.15:2-3 _Intro_ What happened at the Red Sea was just a fulfillment of what God has started a long time ago. He had promised Abraham that he would be a father of nations. He also informed him that his descendants would become slaves. It was not a mistake, God had foretold it hundreds of years ago. 📖 Gen.15:13-14 A lot of times we think that the things that happen in our lives are a mistake, that they surprise God. Our God knows the end from the beginning, He knows about what you are going through. He understands it. 📖 Ps.23:4 Life is about battles but God will help us to win. The trials in our lives are there to build our faith. 📖 Jas.1:2-4 📌 This story begins with Joseph being taken to Egypt as a slave. When he eventually reunites with his brothers he says that God had meant it all for good. 🔥 Some of the tribulations we are facing are not about us or for us! 📌 After Joseph goes through

If You Don't Believe in God's Existence See This

  If You Don’t Believe in God’s Existence See This A lot of people believe in God’s or Allah’s existence and that is why they go to churches and mosques but still some do not believe he exists. This is very unfortunate because some unique things found on earth show that a creator exist and truly looks out for us and really loves and cares for us all. I find this amazing and true sign to show that we were not found here accidentally and not on our own but somewhere a supreme being exist. A Coconut fruit, it is white inside with water. What God did was to leave a small part where we can make a hole for coconut water to come out easily as hard as it is. He managed to put that small hole for us. Do you still not believe his existence? Is this not a big sign enough to show that we have a God somewhere? I have never seen this kind of love before, someone making a small hole in a hard fruit for easy extracting of juice. And the fruit juice or coconut water has so many good health bene