WHEN GOD IS WITH YOU

                                            BY MATILDA PHIRI

matilda phiri blog, happy, pictures, happy faces,

Blessings are now my stepping stones

Success is the quick language my ears are now grasping

All my hands touches, blessed it becomes

Every place my feet lands on becomes mine

No weapon surpasses my blessings

The powerful book spoke and I believed


Riches and favours are all that’s guarding me

Because in me lies specialness

Someone who really cares for me

His love for me is nothing that can be melted and

Washed away

Jesus Christ is my life and my love

My future, my bond and my business.


My family knows nothing but blessings

The devil cannot even lift his eyes to eye my blessings

I’ve found my peace like a river in Jesus

His love is incomparable

Life without him is a complete chaos

Welcome him in your home also

You shall never weep.




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