Tb joshua
                        TB Joshua 

The 2024 BBC documentary on the renowned Nigerian prophet, TB Joshua, of the Synagogue Church of All Nations and Emmanuel Television, has left many in shock. Often regarded as a man of God due to his purported healing abilities, including curing the sick, those with HIV/AIDS, cancer patients, and even facilitating the walking of disabled individuals, TB Joshua's public image seemed to align with the acts of a genuine prophet. However, revelations from past disciples who left the church suggest a different narrative, alleging abuse by the prophet.

In Matthew 24:24, the Bible forewarns of the last days, cautioning that false messiahs and false prophets will arise, presenting themselves as followers of Jesus. They will perform great signs and wonders while ultimately engaging in wrongdoing against God's kingdom. The scripture urges believers to exercise caution, emphasizing that these false prophets will appear as angels of light. This is because we would not be able to tell if they are really from God or not, to avoid destruction. Many of us cannot tell if our prophets are real or being used by God. We only meet them at church or watch them on television, performing miracles and prophecies, which make us believe God is at work. We cannot know them fully because we do not stay with them. A person’s true nature is revealed in private, and only a few people around them can know if they are genuine.

It is sad to see people get carried away with these so-called prophets everywhere, thinking they are all men of God, forgetting what the Bible says. What if you die and God shows you that the prophet you believed was fake and failed to tell you the truth about the gospel of Jesus? What will you say? Will you blame God? Will He not tell you what His words said about the prophets in the last days? What will you say? And He will further ask you, "How did you know he was from Me?" If you try to defend yourself by saying you believed because of the miracles and prophecies, God will laugh and ask where it is written that anyone who does miracles or mentions His name comes from Him. Satan cannot come in darkness; nobody would follow him. That is why he comes in light too, using God's word while he is destroying you. This is the reason why the Bible says that we should be as wise as serpents and as harmless as doves.

The 2024 BBC documentary on the famous prophet in Nigeria, TB Joshua of the Synagogue Church of All Nations and Emmanuel Television, has come as a shock to many people. Many believed him to be a man of God because of his actions: healing the sick, people with HIV/AIDS, cancer, enabling the disabled to walk, and making prophecies. The synagogue’s past disciples who left the church said they were abused by the prophet. Many are shocked because, based on his behavior on television, the miracles, the healings, and prophecies, they thought he was a real man of God. But what does the word of God say? In the last days, many prophets will arise, and we will not be able to tell who is real or fake. The best way, when we hear about them performing miracles, is not to follow them.

We cannot say he was fake or not because most of us did not stay with him. What if he was fake? What will you answer God when He asks why you were attending the church and not listening to His word? What will you say? It’s a shame to see multitudes backing different prophets as if they know them personally. How sure are you that your prophet is from God? Can you say you can be blessed only if somebody has prayed for you? What about locking yourself in your room and asking God to give you your heart’s desires? Will He not give you because it is you, John, who prayed and not Prophet John? Don’t you think if God wants to give you something, He can give it to you regardless of whether a prophet prayed for you? Can you receive something from God when He does not want to give it to you at that time? Why do we tempt God? Did He not say, "Try Me and see if I will not open the windows of heaven for you"? Did He say, "Try Prophet John for healing"?

Faith comes from hearing the word of God. If you want faith, read your Bible regularly to know the miracles that Jesus did and how He did them. Follow in His footsteps, and you can also perform miracles if you believe. You can tell the mountain to move; remember, He told you that. He never said Prophet John will move the mountain for you. Which Bible are you reading that you feel the need to protect prophets or men of God accused of wrongdoing? Is Jesus not enough to protect and vindicate His true servants? If Jesus was accused of not being a child of God or God Himself in human form, who are we not to be accused of being real? Why do people want to fight each other to protect some man of God in human form? Be careful, people of God. Stop trusting people more than God Himself.

In conclusion, as long as we are in the last days, do not be carried away by prophets claiming they are being used by God. Test the spirits first, and pray hard for God to show you the right path. The best way is to avoid following these prophets everywhere because you are not sure if they are being used by God or not. Protect yourself; you do not know which power they are using. You will be destroyed and cursed for following them. Read your Bible, pray to God using His words, and ask for anything, and see if He will not answer you. Remember, everything has its own time. In its own time, God will answer you. A baby is born and grows little by little; he cannot just grow overnight. It is an abomination. A miracle can happen anytime in your life if you believe in God. Suddenly, you will wake up and find that the pain you had in your leg is completely healed. You will thank God. Keep trusting Him for whatever you want in your life. Do not leave your church to follow new anointed prophets who seem real but are wolves, charlatans, and fraudsters looking for your money and your precious soul to take to hell. Ensure your church abides by the word of God. Pray to God to guide you always and give you the spirit of discernment. God is good and ready to hear from you and give you what you want. Make Him your best friend. Tell Him all your secrets, fears, and mistakes. Ask Him to change you every day to be a good disciple of His and not a disciple of a man of God.


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