

Nowadays, it is common to see people changing churches from one denomination to another. It is mostly Christians who do that, abandoning their old churches for Pentecostal churches. These individuals have their reasons for changing, such as seeking salvation, blessings, miracles, and personal benefits. But is it appropriate, especially in these last days, to keep changing one's faith? In Matthew 24 verse 1-51, Jesus warns us of the signs of the last days, which include the rise of many false prophets who will deceive God's people. He further states, "wherefore if they shall say unto you, behold he is in the desert, go not forth, behold he is in the secret chambers, believe it not." Today, many people desire to become prophets, and others eagerly follow them, seeking miracles and prophecies from God. However, not all who claim to be prophets are genuinely sent by God. Satan also has his prophets, aiming to deceive the children of God, including those who are genuinely


href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;">                                              Malawi will hold its seventh general elections in 2025, and it is important that the media be at the forefront of informing people about the ongoing developments and preparations for the elections. Elections are a means of filling public office through a competitive struggle for people's votes, and thus, the candidates must present valid manifestos to convince the voters. For Malawi, the 2025 presidential candidate should be someone with a vision to save the country from its economic failure. The president should prioritize the development of Malawi and not focus solely on being


             As Malawi approaches its seventh general election in 2025, it becomes crucial for the media to take the lead in informing people about the ongoing events and how the election preparations are being handled. Elections represent a means of filling public office through a competitive struggle for people's votes. During the election period, which begins with parties campaigning, the media plays an essential role and cannot be left aside. In democratic elections, the media should not show bias towards any particular party. Research has shown that most African governments, including Malawi, do not respect freedom of expression in media accessibility for political parties. South Africa's SABC is one of the few exceptions that respect this democratic principle. The opposition parties in Malawi lack opportunities to access state electronic media, which is the most effective tool to reach the masses, particularly those living in rural areas. In Malawi, the ruling party domin


                                        Culture encompasses the people's way of life, beliefs, arts, and philosophy, all of which are crucial for the development of civilization and the human society. Malawi, as a country, possesses a rich cultural heritage that endures to this day. However, certain cultural practices, like Kusasa fumbi or sexual cleansing, have diminished due to the impact of HIV/AIDS. Despite this, we still uphold various other customs, such as initiation ceremonies, storytelling traditions, traditional dances, ululation during weddings, and communal activities like attending funerals and weddings as a whole village. Preserving these customs is of utmost importance for future generations to embrace and be proud of their cultural identity. To achieve this, we can act as cultural ambassadors, practicing these traditions daily, documenting them in books, organizing significant cultural events, and incorporating them into official education systems. Initiation ceremo

My Girlfriend Is Challenging Me. What should I do? -Letter from Fan

Letter from Fan Dear Matilda, My Girlfriend Is Challenging Me. What should I do?  Dear Reader I'm sorry to hear that you're facing challenges in your relationship. It's important to approach these situations with open communication and respect for each other's perspectives. Here are a few general suggestions that may help: Active Listening: Take the time to listen to your girlfriend's concerns and feelings without interrupting or becoming defensive. Show empathy and try to understand her point of view. Respectful Communication: When discussing sensitive topics, it's crucial to communicate with respect and avoid attacking or belittling each other. Focus on expressing your thoughts and emotions in a calm and constructive manner. Seek Common Ground: Look for areas of agreement and shared values. Finding common ground can help both of you see that you're on the same team and working towards a stronger relationship.

The Real Meaning of Flirting and how to Be a Good Flirt- The Friday Shaker

                                                                Flirting comes from the old French word 'fleurter,' meaning to flower. There are different definitions of flirting, and I'll list a few of them according to Peta Heskell (2002). ☆ Flirting is about giving out that little bit but not being totally available. ☆ Flirting is about fun, connecting, and getting to know people. ☆ Flirting is a way of showing people you are interested in them. ☆ Flirting is about giving compliments, smiling, and making people happy. ☆ Flirting is like being a butterfly—it flutters past in all its beauty, and when we try to catch it, it flies away, leaving us wanting more... ☆ Flirting is eye contact. It's looking at people and smiling with your eyes. ☆ Flirting is making yourself so attractive that people can't resist you. ☆ Flirting is being able to keep a conversation going after 'Hello'! All these definitions define flirting, which simply me

My Advice to African Presidents-The Friday Shaker

  Africans are known for their peaceful and humane nature, which is why Malawi is often referred to as "the warm heart of Africa" due to its warm welcome to visitors. Africans have a strong culture of respecting others, and this is reflected in the concept of 'Ubuntu,' which emphasizes the importance of acting in a humane and considerate manner towards others. This traditional African concept holds significant value for African presidents, as embracing it could contribute to the development of our continent. Leadership should be seen as a loving relationship with our followers, guided by the Ubuntu spirit. An individual with the Ubuntu spirit is open and available to others, feeling a sense of humiliation when witnessing the torture and oppression of fellow human beings, as discussed by Desmond Tutu in 1999. Africans expect their leaders to be open-minded and tolerant of different viewpoints within society, while also respecting the rights and freedoms of the people


The late DD Phiri (Author)  On the Sunday morning of March 24th, 2019, I woke up to the news of the passing of Dada DD Phiri, the Malawian veteran author, economist, historian, and playwright. The legend is gone, but his legacy still lives on. Fellow writers were saddened to hear this news as we lost a friend, member, mentor, and role model. He inspired us a lot and encouraged us to keep writing. To the nation, we also lost a hero who inspired many people and countless youths through his amazing writing. We will always remember him for the impact he left on different writers' lives and on Malawian literature. As a regular columnist in the nation newspaper, he published 17 books in the fields of history, sociology, and economics. Truly, he will always be remembered. Some of his books, like "Diniwe in Dreamland," "The History of Malawi," and "From Nguni to Ngoni," are great Malawian treasures. As writers, we are lobbying the government to honor him by na

All About Malawi Writers Union (MAWU)

  I have written this article about MAWU, which stands for Malawi Writers Union. MAWU is a Malawian organization comprised of writers. Many individuals often inquire about the process of becoming a member of this Union and the benefits associated with joining. In this article, I will provide information about MAWU and extend a warm invitation to everyone interested in joining our Union. We also welcome sponsors who wish to support our endeavors. To register as a member or sponsor the Union, please contact the following phone numbers: +265 991332594 and +265 888708046.   Organizational Profile & Track Record   The Malawi Writers Union (MAWU) was formed in 1995 after the fall of one-party rule. The core objective was to bring back writers who fled into exile due to political ill-treatment and in the long run fight for the release of those who were imprisoned in the country’s notorious prisons. Besides that, the formation of such an organization was to bring back literary work