All About Malawi Writers Union (MAWU)


I have written this article about MAWU, which stands for Malawi Writers Union. MAWU is a Malawian organization comprised of writers. Many individuals often inquire about the process of becoming a member of this Union and the benefits associated with joining. In this article, I will provide information about MAWU and extend a warm invitation to everyone interested in joining our Union. We also welcome sponsors who wish to support our endeavors. To register as a member or sponsor the Union, please contact the following phone numbers: +265 991332594 and +265 888708046.


Organizational Profile & Track Record


The Malawi Writers Union (MAWU) was formed in 1995 after the fall of one-party rule. The core objective was to bring back writers who fled into exile due to political ill-treatment and in the long run fight for the release of those who were imprisoned in the country’s notorious prisons. Besides that, the formation of such an organization was to bring back literary works which were banned during the era. Having achieved those objectives, MAWU exists to promote writers’ freedom of expression and preserve Malawian writing identity. The governance structure of MAWU is composed of the General Assembly, the Board of Trustees, the Executive and the Secretariat. With a membership of 920, the Union has five distinct writers’ desks namely the Budding Writers’ Desk with 300 members, Women’s Writers’ Desk with 250 female members, Religious Desk has 70 members, the Non-Fiction 50, the Established, those who have published a book or more with 130 members and the School Affiliates; Secondary schools and Colleges/Universities targeting 100 schools.

MAWU has previously conducted writing clinics and trainings for female writers, the budding and established writers and has run several writers’ competition in order to uplift their writing standard. These were done with funding from NORAD and the Norwegian Embassy. There were factors that made MAWU run these interventions. The factors included limited capacity and space that writers were constrained with. MAWU has managed to produce several anthologies as result of these interventions and some of them are drafted in secondary school curricula.

Mandate: The Malawi Writers Union derive its mandate from its constitution which urges MAWU to promote writing and reading culture.


Mission Statement: To promote writing and reading culture among its members and the general public through training, writing and publication of works in order to uplift the country’s cultural educational standards.


Vision Statement: To put in place a vibrant writing and reading culture.



The core values that will guide the conduct of MAWU’s members are:

v  Creativity

MAWU will endeavor to assist its members to create and produce original quality works in varied styles, themes and topics.

v  Transparency and Accountability

MAWU will perform its duties in an open manner and its members will collectively be accountable for their actions.

v  Networking

MAWU will work in collaboration with various partners and other stakeholders for effective   production of its works, locally and internationally.

v  Equity and Equality

MAWU will ensure equal promotion of writing opportunities without discrimination based on sex, gender, race, religion, disability, social status, etc.


Background & Problem Analysis


Malawi’s literature is very rich, however bodies especially Malawi Writers Union (MAWU) faces numerous challenges to advance writing, one of key obstacles is the lack of funding and capacity to implement national interventions that have a potential to transform writing. Essentially MAWU has previously received support from First Merchant Bank (FMB) for its short story award, and Royal Norwegian Embassy through the cultural support scheme but not anymore.


There are few donors to the cultural sector in Malawi. Lack of infrastructure to promote various arts is a concern for most artists. For writers, there are no adequate research centres in the country and writers find it particularly hard to find quite places to brainstorm and find some inspirations without noise disturbances. At the time of the review it was not clear whether the government intended to buy the French Cultural Centre and if so for which purpose. Even if the government purchases this centre, challenges remain with regards to management and running costs. There is no permanent theatre stage in Malawi and neither are there any non-commercial galleries or other suitable venues for exhibitions. There are few festivals, with the exception of the Blantyre Arts Festival and Lake of Stars Festival which are held annually. None of these festivals have reached a stage to attract significant investments from the private sector.

Performing artists, in particular women, face cultural prejudices and would usually have to struggle hard and cross many barriers before gaining society’s acceptance of their role as artists.  



Strategic Approach for MAWU


-To use public engagement, awareness raising, community engagement and also capacity strengthening so that Malawi’s writers are able to raise their profile locally and internationally.

-To build engagement of the writers and provide them an opportunity to publish their literary works both online and in paperback.

-To use media engagement to promote visibility of the work of MAWU and also showcase the talent of the writers and connect them with the general public.


Objectives for MAWU


-To publish books written by malawian writers.

-To market and sell books by Malawian writers.

-To enhance the engagement of writers and sharing of knowledge and building a responsive writers platform for acceleration of the literature and arts sector in Malawi.

-To increase the participation of the general public in the literary arts sector by creating an enabling environment for writers and the public for strategic engagement in the achievement of sustainable development goals in Malawi.

-To submit books for new syllabus evaluations for Malawian writers.





-Knowledge sharing and learning


-Sponsor writers’ residency programmes


This is to enhance the expertise of Malawian writers of fiction to produce more novels, novellas and short stories of high quality on various themes of social economic development, history, speculative fiction and other literary genres. The seeks support for its 6 writers’ residencies each year in Malawi and abroad, in collaboration with other literary organizations. In each residency, where a sponsor will pitch a proposal and a reasonable budget for the residency for a specified period. The aim is to ensure writers have expertise to gain knowledge and complete their works for publishing.


-Conduct writers mentorship workshops and orientation


MAWU seeks to build the capacity of Malawian writers in shaping literary skills through a formal mentorship process, where a total of 80 writers across Malawi shall be trained in 3 regional 3-day workshops and will be pitching ideas for novels, short stories and novellas. The pitched ideas will be developed by writers themselves and produce finished works for publishing. It is expected that out of this process 6 novels, 10 short stories and 5 novellas will be produced and published in each year and leading to 18 novels, 30 short stories and 10 novellas by the end of the project.


-Holding National Literary Award (NALA)


MAWU seeks to hold Malawi National Prize for Fiction to replace Peer Gynt Literary Award which was previously sponsored by The Nowergian Embassy. The prize will award Writers for outstanding work in novels on all genres of fiction. The award gala will be held every year in Blantyre and Lilongwe.



-Holding of Women Writers Literary Award(WWLA)


In order to enhance the gender mainstreaming and participation of women in literary arts sector, MAWU also intends to launch Women Writers Literary Award to be specific to only women writers in Malawi. The aim of the award is to unearth talent from women writers of novels and adult fiction in all genres including speculative fiction,  and others.  At least 4 novels will be produced in the award in a year, women writers will be mentored in the planned workshops.


-Launch MAWU online literary magazine


It is planned that a bi-annual literary online magazine will be launched in Malawi, where writers across Malawi will be accorded an opportunity to submit and have their short stories and book reviews showcased. The magazine will be a launch pad for writers to publish their works and get recognition locally and internationally.


-Public engagement and outreach


-Hold writers and arts festival


MAWU seeks to enhance a platform for writers and the public to mingle and network and have a place where the public knows its writers to boost the reading culture and also accorde a golden chance for writers to showcase and display their works. It is planned that  annual writers festivals of over 500 people will be conducted each year. During the festivals there will be book review sessions, reading session to the public, book exhibitions, selling of books and also discussions about writing and literary issues in Malawi. In addition 2000 posters, 500 leaflets and 5 stand up banners will be produced as part of IEC materials.


Conduct media training workshops on literary sector enhancement


MAWU seeks to create a platform for capacity building of Malawian journalists for radio, TV and newspapers and online platform to deepen media engagement and media coverage on the literary sector. They will also trained in Book reviewing. In the project, at least 30 journalists will be trained in a national 2-day media workshop to be facilitated by local or international literary experts and facilitators. The journalists are expected to increase coverage on all the MAWU projects.


-Build a website for the Malawi Writers Union as a channel to connect with the public


In order to build visibility and communication about MAWU’s work, a website will be built which will showcase stories, publications, programs and all the works of MAWU and also act as a platform for publishing literary works selected across its programs. The website will also be a perfect portal to share information on writers with the general public and the international community.


-Secure land and construct MAWU office premises


MAWU is also expected to embark on ambitious plans on securing a piece of land where its official premises for an office will be built. The office complex will also have rooms for renting out to other organizations and companies for financial sustainability.




The following conditions shall apply:

1.  MAWU Financial year is Jan to Dec

2. Every member shall pay Annual membership subscription fees based on categories outlined

3. Normal payment is from Jan – March which is the first quarter

4. List of paid up members will be pasted at MAWU offices

5. After first quarter membership fees will increase by a penalty of K5, 000.00

6. New members to be recruited at any point will still pay normal subscription fees based on categories outlined, no penalty fee.

7. Only paid up members will be eligible to participate in MAWU activities (Residencies, writing workshops, book editing at a fair price, International workshops, etc).

8. Every paid up member is expected to follow up with secretariat to get updates on upcoming events /activities.



MAWU has a Board of Trustees.


There are three categories of membership whose annual membership fee vary as

1. Individual Membership: is open to any person …………………….

2. Associate Membership: is open to all associations…………

3. Institutional Membership: is open to Schools, Colleges, Universities………………………






The calendar year for Malawi Writers Union starts in January and ends in December.  As such financial year determines the next payment for all willing to retain their membership.  Membership is voluntary and the following conditions apply:


1.         Upon payment of annual subscription fee one is considered a member for that financial year and is eligible to participate in various MAWU activities.

2.         Payment shall be remitted into the Unions bank account.




Surname: _______________________________________________________________________

First names: _____________________________________________________________________

Current address: _________________________________________________________________

Telephone number:________________________________________________________________

E-mail address:__________________________________________________________________

Current occupation:_______________________________________________________________

Date of birth:____________________________

Highest qualification:____________________ Year you started Publishing: ________________


List down works you have published:




1.            ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2.            ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3.            ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4.            ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

5.            ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


If you have published more works please attach the list to this form.



1.            --------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2.            ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3.            -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


If you have won book prizes please indicate below:




I wish to be registered as a member of the Malawi Writers Union (MAWU). Enclosed herewith is the annual membership fee of K.................. I pledge to abide by the Union’s constitution and take part in all its activities for the enhancement and development of academic and non-fiction writing in the country.


Signature___________________________ Date________________________________________



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