

                                                        THE AFRICA WE WANT Africa as a continent we are blessed with a lot of natural resources that need to be explored properly if we are to develop. We have plenty fertile soil and minerals. Africa would have been the richest in the world by now but because of so many things that happens like Corruption which makes it hard to achieve her goals. The cases of wars and presence of terrorist attacks, economic crisis and old fashioned education system are all serious issues hindering development. This is not Africa we want, we need socio-economic transformation and a zero tolerance on corruption with no more absolute poverty but with people doing things they want without being oppressed in any way because of gender or physical make up. Africa as united as we are, we need to do things together as one country especially neighbouring countries. For example, Ghana and Nigeria already started this in movies where they do together and they are pr

2022 Blantyre Arts Festival (BAF)

Malawi Blantyre Arts Festival (BAF) 2022 Blantyre Arts Festival was last year 2022 celebrating its 13 th anniversary from 8 th to 9 th October, under the theme climate resilience through cultural preservation. The theme attracted partners from different sectors as well as schools. The program started on Thursday with a grand opening at Amaryllis hotel in Blantyre when it had its official partners for 2022. The event was spiced up with Nyau traditional dance, thereafter on a Friday 7 th October, there was a street cultural carnival from Blantyre old town hall to Njamba Freedom Park where the venue was. The cultural street carnival was well decorated with brass band, cultural troupe dances, drama, poetry and some University activities. On a Saturday, the program started with workshops on climate change, panel discussion on culture and tourism, environmental management, creative arts and cultural management. In the afternoon, there were performances from different artists like Tempo

What You Don't Know About Bible

By Matilda Phiri The Bible, what a book! It’s not just a book it is more than that. It’s direct word of God to his people. The bible cannot be compared to any book on earth. It contains the mind of God, the state of man, the way of salvation, the doom of sinners and the happiness of believers. Its doctrines are holy, its histories are true and its decisions are immutable. Read it to be wise, believe it to be safe and practice it to be holy. It contains light to direct you, food to support you and comfort to cheer you. Bible is the traveller's map, the pilgrim's staff, the soldiers’ sword and the Christian's charter. Here paradise is restored, heaven opened and the gates of hell closed. Christ is its grand subject, our God the design and the glory of God its end. The bible should fill the memory, the heart and guide the feet. Read it slowly, frequently and prayerfully. It is a mine of wealth, a paradise of glory and a river of pleasure. If you condemn it you are doomed f


                                             BIBLE                               BY MATILDA PHIRI Your mightiness trembles darkness They know you're not their ally In your veins, life flows to humanity A solution to every headache The most instant conversation between God and mankind   Your fist rules all papers merged into books Only in you promises have a definite meaning The weary gets back on their feet through you You are a fierce sword displayed in words True message of God for his people Those that hold onto you tightly, forever they live.   With faith humans rise from illnesses Freedom engulfs possessed people All with one word, FAITH Without you, man will perish Every power dwells in you To our hearts you are so dear``


                                           WHEN GOD IS WITH YOU                                             BY MATILDA PHIRI Blessings are now my stepping stones Success is the quick language my ears are now grasping All my hands touches, blessed it becomes Every place my feet lands on becomes mine No weapon surpasses my blessings The powerful book spoke and I believed   Riches and favours are all that’s guarding me Because in me lies specialness Someone who really cares for me His love for me is nothing that can be melted and Washed away Jesus Christ is my life and my love My future, my bond and my business.   My family knows nothing but blessings The devil cannot even lift his eyes to eye my blessings I’ve found my peace like a river in Jesus His love is incomparable Life without him is a complete chaos Welcome him in your home also You shall never weep.    


                             THE  POWER IN NUMBER 3                                   BY MATILDA PHIRI There’s Power in 3 Take a glimpse at the biblical events You shall be paralyzed at how powerful 3 is                               The holy Trinity Father, Son and the Holy Spirit Jonah was held captive by a fish for 3 days 3 sums of money were all it took to sell Jesus 3 palaces held Jesus’s judgements 3 times is what took Peter to deny Jesus Jesus fell with a cross 3 times There were three crosses during Jesus crucifixion, Oh!   The power in 3 can barely be fully explained Jesus breathed his last at the hour of 3 Jesus slept in the tomb for 3 days Three men saved Babylon Shadrach, Mesheick and Abednego.   3 holds more power than your mind can imagine Let it be your daily tool for life Disappointments will never come your way Number 3 is much stronger a figure I made it useful and it proved me right Never underrate the power in 3.


                                                              MARY AND JOHN Once upon a time when marriages between relatives were allowed, there lived two siblings who loved each other so much; John and Mary. The two did everything together and were hardly apart . One day, they went to the river to bath. Mary told John to take off his clothes and bath. John was shy and so he also told his sister that he would only do so if she took off her clothes too. They agreed to take off their clothes at the same time and they did. Meanwhile, when John saw the beads around Mary ’ s waist , he asked her to marry him but she refused. However, John insisted on asking her to marry him . When they got back home, John told their parents that he wanted to build a house for himself and they allowed him. He built his house far from his parents’ house and he never returned home ever since. This got his parents worried. One afternoon, the mother cooked Nsima/Pap with beef and went to John's


  Mulanje mountain is the tallest mountain in Malawi and the second largest in Africa after Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. Please make a visit when you are in Malawi. You’ll never regret. Enjoy the poem!!! MULANJE MOUNTAIN By Matilda Phiri Your vastness kisses the clouds So beautiful like a princess So amazing like the Egyptians pyramids No one can strike your beauty No one can stand against you You are your own shield Only a mirror exposes your look-alike Weirdly shaped trees expose your magnificent looks Rivers that belch nothing but clean water and peace Rocks that only the Creator can move, they seek refuge in your territory Extremely strong herbs lie in you Brings dawn closer to my eyes Renders to me safety Exposes my teeth not through wailing but smiles Makes my life more of just mere existence. Waterfall we see from afar Shining like a morning star Piles my broken heart together You're unique and irresistible. You’re adorable and full o


TO MY JESUS by Matilda Phiri On my birthday 🎂🎉 The day I was born My special day I would like to show my gratitude to Jesus in heaven my best friend, my father and my everything. Thank you for the unconditional love. My life is nothing without you You are my hero and my truth. Thank you again for adding another year to me. Thank you for the precious gift called life. Thank you for allowing me to be born, to see the beautiful earth you created. It is beautiful and serene I love it. Thanks for the beautiful lakes and rivers. I must confess I love them Oh. Oh thank you for the different fruits that you created. The apple and peach fruits, my favourites. In fact I love all the fruits you created. I enjoy eating them. The beautiful mountains with Natural green trees oh they are a plus. And then you saw it was great thing to create me in your own image to be your best friend here on earth, oh God   how should I repay you for all these good things? Thank y


 SHORT STORY BY MATILDA PHIRI MALAWI’S CHITENJE I have always doubted the power of Malawi’s Chitenje.   I never believed that in order, to impress a real Malawian lady you need to buy her a Chitenje. I and most boys of nowadays have stopped respecting our culture. We no longer care or fear breaking cultural rules and its consequences. It has been two years for me since I attended a funeral in my area. I have heard that in the past, this would not have happened because I would be tied with a string to a big tree waiting to be untied after the burial has happened. This was news to me. I laughed and shouted at the same time; “What the hell!? I would definitely sue the chief if he does that to me!’’ That was my straight word. “After all, we are in democracy. I have a right to attend any funeral or not.” But I was very wrong. I’m a University graduate of Political Science and divorced. I am working at a certain organisation as a democracy expert. I live in Blantyre City with my young