It is very hard for most of us  to articulate and write down what we want from God because our vision is clouded by our challenges. 

Challenges make you feel hopelessness and despair. Your thoughts and feelings are usually negative when you are going through something. You can't even see the way out. Especially when your life is full of struggle. That is when faith comes in. 

You just have to disregard what you see, hear and feel and trust God.

Get into the Word of God to build yourself.  

I remember during a long period of losses the Lord moved me to write down new goals to start afresh.

It was soooooo hard because I was used to fighting,  barely surviving and just focused on today not the future. 

It took several attempts over a period of three months to write and rewrite my goals and vision again and again. 

I was praying , studying the word , writing, listening to faith messages by anointed and proven Bible teachers,  confessing the Word and positive things.  The more I did it the bolder I became. The clearer my goals got. The more I believed they were possible. And the more my mind was freed to dream. 

Many people short change themselves when it comes to faith.  Yes they believe God can do it. And they are even praying specifically.  But praying small specific things . When there is potential for more. 

I like telling a story I heard which I later learnt was an out of body experience that the late Bible teacher Kenneth, Hagin  had .  

The Lord took  him to heaven. An angel gave a tour of heaven. Along the way they came to a warehouse . There many small parcels in the warehouse . But it was obvious that many had been removed with few remaining. 

They came to a second warehouse. The parcels here were bigger. You could see some had been removed but not as many as the first room. 

They came to the third room. This had huge parcels. But only a few were missing. Not many had been removed. 

The angel explained that these were things available in heaven. The room with small parcels was almost empty because most people ask for small things.  

There was a group that asked for bigger things from the second room but not as many as those that ask for small things.  

Finally the room with big things was still almost full because very few people have the guts to ask God for big things.  

They don't see themselves receiving big  things from God and therefore don't have the faith.  

The way you see yourself and your miracle will determine your miracle. 

If you see small things, you have faith for small things.  And God has no problem giving you. However He will also give you big things if you see yourself having big things.  

Abraham's faith went through a process. At one point what he saw about himself was not what God saw.

Abraham believed God that he would have a child but he was thinking of adoption . 

God had to deal with Abraham to help him see what He ( God ) saw, so that His faith may be based on revelation. 

Many people see themselves according to their human nature and experiences but fail to see what God sees about them. So their faith is shaky. God’s view of you is always big. 

After all He knows why He created you. He also knows what you are capable of and how to bring His purposes in your life to pass .

Abraham was told many times from Genesis 12 that his purpose was to become a father of nations. To have many descendants. Not only that, God would give him land for those descendants.

 This was despite the fact that he and his wife were both old and Sarah was clinically proven to be barren. Abraham agreed with God, but did not fully understand what God was saying. 

Just like most of us know that God wants to bless us but do not fully understand to what extent. He was limited by his natural experiences.

In Genesis 15 ,after looking like he was in agreement with God for a while, Abraham asks God a weird question. He asks God if his servant will be his heir. Yet God had told him that despite the natural situation( they being old and Sarah being barren) , He would make this old man a father of many descendants! When God heard the question, He realized that they were not on the same wavelength.

Abraham was in the natural where there were limitations, and He , our God, was in the supernatural where he makes our purpose come to pass no matter what the limitations may look like.

 God can make things that seem naturally impossible happen in your life. 

Set big goals. So what did God do with Abraham? He took him out for a little walk to expand his mind. He showed him the stars so that he could visualize the promise. He did it to help Abraham set the proper mental image of what God had prepared for him.

Because what Abraham saw about himself was very shallow and limited.

What God had prepared was big and supernatural. God was by no means going to use an earthly inheritance system to make Abraham a father of nations. And God was not talking about a few descendants. He was talking about mind-blowing numbers! As many as the stars!

The Bible says:

“After this, the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision: “Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward.” But Abram said, “Sovereign Lord, what can you give me since I remain childless and the one who will inherit my estate is Eliezer of Damascus?” And Abram said, “You have given me no children; so a servant in my household will be my heir.” Then the word of the Lord came to him: “This man will not be your heir, but a son who is your own flesh and blood will be your heir.” He took him outside and said, “Look up at the sky and count the stars—if indeed you can count them.” Then he said to him, “So shall your offspring be.” Abram believed the Lord, and he credited it to him as righteousness.” ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭15‬:‭1‬-‭6‬ ‭

‬‬By giving Abraham a visual of the stars, the Lord was able to help Abraham believe the naturally impossible made possible. 

Abraham shifted his faith to great things. It says for the first time he properly “ believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness.”

He was finally fully persuaded that God was able to do this , because he saw it in his heart.

Do you see what you have prayed for in the natural or you have revelation faith ?

 May you commit to believe God against the odds that 

He can do what He has promised in His word. It doesn’t depend on what you see but on what He can do.

Jesus used to say: “According to your faith, let it be done, “. 

You believe only what you see. So see properly. See what God sees about you.

Do you see yourself getting that job against the odds? That scholarship? Getting married ? Being healed? Starting that company or business? Have a good marriage? Having a baby? Building or buying that house? That catering business? Having success with your children? Or whatever it is that seems impossible in the natural.



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