No Secret Under the Sun - The Friday Shaker Poem and its Review



The sun plays no hide and seek

Dawn exposes all the darkness that has been hiding

All can be in caves just not for long

Whatever a man sows, he shall reap.


The sun puts behind no secret

Slide a thing behind your hand, handcuffs shall expose you

Lies live for a moment, truth persists

Befriend good deeds, and so you shall live long


No sun is ignorant of darkness

Words both on paper or said can mold your life

What you deliver to mother earth, she delivers it back

Lies live for a moment, truth shall always be there.



The poem "No Secret Under the Sun" by Matilda Phiri explores the theme of truth, honesty, and the consequences of our actions. Here's the analysis of the poem:

The poem begins with a powerful statement: "The sun plays no hide and seek." This line suggests that the sun, representing truth and illumination, does not conceal anything. It symbolizes the unveiling of hidden truths and exposes the darkness that has been hiding. This can be interpreted as a metaphor for the inevitability of truth coming to light, regardless of attempts to hide it.

The next lines, "All can be in caves just not for long, whatever a man sows, he shall reap," convey the idea that no one can hide indefinitely from the consequences of their actions. It emphasizes the concept of cause and effect, where one's deeds will eventually catch up to them. It serves as a reminder to take responsibility for our actions and consider the potential outcomes.

The poem continues to emphasize the theme of truth. It suggests that secrets cannot remain hidden, comparing them to objects concealed behind one's hand. Eventually, these secrets are exposed, just as handcuffs expose someone who is attempting to hide something. This implies that deceit and falsehoods have a limited lifespan, while truth endures.

The lines "Lies live for a moment, truth persists" emphasize the transitory nature of lies compared to the enduring presence of truth. This can be seen as an encouragement to embrace honesty and integrity in our words and actions. The poem suggests that truth is a more reliable and lasting foundation upon which to build our lives.

The final lines, "No sun is ignorant of darkness, Words both on paper or said can mold your life, What you deliver to mother earth, she delivers it back, Lies live for a moment, truth shall always be there," reinforce the central theme. The sun, a symbol of truth, is aware of the darkness, implying that truth acknowledges and confronts the realities of life. Words, whether written or spoken, have the power to shape our lives, highlighting the importance of using them wisely. The idea of cause and effect is reiterated, as the poem suggests that what we give to the world, both positive and negative, will be returned to us.

Overall, the poem conveys a strong message about the power of truth, the consequences of our actions, and the importance of honesty and integrity. It advises us to live a life guided by truth and good deeds, as they have a lasting impact.



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