Rest in Eternal Peace of God Allan Wittika

Oh, my country Malawi, the beautiful land where God placed me and where I was born. The land of peace, love, and a God-fearing nature. It was once the safest place to live, but today, it's a different story. Malodza! Malodza! Abominable things have occurred and continue to happen. We have begun killing each other in broad daylight without fear or conscience. We no longer think like humans but rather like wild animals. It's a tragic and disturbing situation. The recent two similar deaths in the capital city of Malawi have left many of us shocked, wondering what is happening in our beloved country, and whether we are safe. Are we safe?

On September 20, 2023, I woke up to the news of the passing of Allan Wittika, my good friend from Blantyre Secondary School. He was a brilliant young man, driven and full of dreams. He loved Malawi, having been born and raised here, until malevolent individuals ruthlessly took his life in broad daylight, while he was in his official work car. What a terrible act? What had he done wrong? Even if he had made a mistake, did he deserve to die in such a manner, as if he were a thief or a murderer? Who are we to judge? Hasn't the Bible warned us against passing judgment on others or taking someone's life? God detests the shedding of blood, and He places a curse on those who do so. Are you willing to be cursed by God forever, and for what reason? Have you considered the consequences of your actions? You cannot toy with God, the giver of life, by taking a life He bestowed, and expect to go unpunished. HEAVEN WILL HOLD YOU ACCOUNTABLE! Malawi is a special country, protected by God. The Protector of Israel never slumbers or sleeps (Psalms 121:4).

Another distressing death is that of Agnes Katengeza, a young lady born and raised in Malawi. On September 24, 2023, this hardworking woman with aspirations and thriving businesses, filled with grand dreams, had her life tragically cut short by some wicked individuals who believe they are clever. She, too, was from Lilongwe city and met her end in her car. What is the motive behind this? Is it political or something else? Can you achieve political leadership through the shedding of innocent blood? How long can you rule with such actions? This is a sorrowful and shallow perspective, ignoring the fact that life is not merely physical but also spiritual. What is hidden in the physical world is clear in the spiritual realm, and it will eventually come to light. Be cautious about your deeds. Killing is not a solution; it never has been and never will be a solution to any problem. It is high time that Malawi undergoes transformation.

Criminal activities are on the rise in our neighborhoods, streets, and homes. We all need to be vigilant and play a part in curbing these criminal behaviors. We should monitor the activities of our friends, neighbors, and acquaintances. If you sense something amiss, report it to the police for questioning or investigation. It is also high time for companies to contribute by donating CCTV cameras to the police for installation in all cities and high-risk areas. We call upon the corporate world to support this endeavor, and it needs to happen as soon as possible. This will act as a deterrent to some who may contemplate evil actions, potentially preventing further loss of life.

Security must be strengthened across the board. The police, entrusted by the government to protect citizens at all times, need to perform their duties intelligently. They must thoroughly investigate the recent spate of sudden killings. How did this start? Who is behind these acts? For what reasons? These questions align with Obwande's letter of September 25, 2023. We implore the police to assist us. As Malawians, we are afraid for our lives, as we have families, children, orphans, and elderly parents to care for. We are not prepared to die; please protect us. Do whatever is necessary, and we are ready to support you. Such tragic events should not recur. We are inviting curses upon our land, and things cannot be well when the blood of these innocent souls, who were mercilessly murdered, cries out to God, seeking justice. Please prioritize the security of our country.

Malawians, let us work together and support the police; they are our friends. This battle is for all of us to win. Let us continue to love and support one another at all times. We are one, sharing the same homeland. If we love each other, we will not harm one another. Love should always guide us. Let us watch over and report any suspicious activities in our communities. Share this message widely to encourage love and support among us. For those in need, let us extend a helping hand. God will heal our land, and we will have a safe country to live in. May the souls of the departed rest in the eternal peace of God. May God bless and protect Malawi always! AMEN!


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