Silence Kills -A Poem and its Review


I’m too young and beautiful to die

Death is not my near future and not my desire

I’ll not remain silent I’ll speak out

I can no longer remain a victim

Yet I clearly see the light

          Something has to be done

          Something has to change

          Silence destroys, silence kills

          I’ll speak out, yes, I’ll speak out


I’m too strong and bold to die

My visions and aspirations await

Why should my future be cracked?

I’m I disadvantaged because I’m a young girl?

Is it by choice that I’m an orphan?

Why do you keep abusing me?

            Today this rubbish will be over


ever brave, I’m ready

I’m speaking about it

It’s over and over, no more silence

Because silence kills.


I am too daring and clever to die

My spear and arrow ready set

I’ll tell the whole world to know

That you want to destroy my future

Soon the court will judge you

You’ll live to regret your evil deeds

The misery of prison awaits your dirty life

I’m so ashamed of your actions.

I’m so ashamed of you.

I’m so ashamed of your existence

No more silence because it kills.

Laws will face you.

Now is the time.



"SILENCE KILLS" is a powerful and passionate poem that addresses themes of resilience, empowerment, and the urgency to break free from silence in the face of injustice. The poem's repeated refrain, "Silence destroys, silence kills," emphasizes the destructive nature of remaining silent and highlights the necessity of speaking out.

The poem begins with a strong assertion of life and beauty, stating that death is neither desired nor imminent. It conveys a determination to break the cycle of victimization and refuse to remain silent any longer. The speaker recognizes the need for action and change, emphasizing that something must be done to address the issues at hand.

The second stanza reinforces the speaker's strength and resilience. It questions the unfairness of facing adversity as a young girl, particularly as an orphan, and rejects the notion that one's future should be marred by such circumstances. The speaker's boldness shines through as they declare their readiness to confront the challenges and express their experiences openly. The repetition of "no more silence" reinforces the message that remaining silent only perpetuates harm.

In the final stanza, the tone intensifies as the speaker becomes more assertive and confrontational. They portray themselves as daring and clever, ready to expose the wrongdoings and protect their future. The mention of the court implies a pursuit of justice and holding the perpetrators accountable. The poem ends on a note of both shame and determination, conveying the strong desire for change and the belief that silence is no longer an option.

Overall, "SILENCE KILLS" effectively captures the urgency and strength of the speaker's voice. The poem conveys a clear message about the destructive consequences of silence and the necessity of speaking out against injustice. It addresses themes of resilience, empowerment, and the pursuit of justice in a compelling and passionate manner.






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