
Showing posts from January, 2024


  Malawians love their kids so much that they often forget to prioritize themselves. When parents buy items like juice and chocolates, they focus solely on their children, neglecting their own needs. It's important to remember that adults also deserve these delightful treats. In this article, I will elaborate on chocolates because many Malawians perceive them as exclusively for kids without understanding the broader benefits of consuming them. Chocolate, a beloved treat that transcends cultures and generations, holds a special place in our hearts. However, did you know that chocolate goes beyond its delectable taste? Let's explore the significance of this delightful indulgence. Chocolate is beneficial for your body in several ways: Mood Booster: Chocolate contains compounds such as phenyl ethylamine and serotonin, enhancing feelings of happiness and relaxation. So, when you're feeling down, a bit of chocolate can work wonders! Stress Reliever:

The Boy Who Laid Eggs-Short Story

    I'll never forget the sweet old college days when I pursued my medical course in Pharmacy, and my friend James used to give me eggs. I remember vividly how he used to say it, even though almost seven years have passed. "I've laid four eggs today, and what time are you coming to my room to get them?" He would say, and I would burst into tears of gratitude. I thoroughly enjoyed them and always thanked him for his kindness. The truth is, James didn't like the way the campus chefs prepared boiled eggs. He was known as an entertainment director, and he had a reputation for making people laugh with his jokes. Perhaps, this was why the chefs liked him and ended up giving him extra meals. While everyone else received only two eggs, James got twice as many, which he saved for me. If we didn't meet in the afternoon, he would keep them for me in the evening. As a result, the number of eggs multiplied day by day, setting me apart from the ordinary students who qui


  Matilda Phiri, an award-winning Malawian author, blogger, artist, model, actress, political scientist, and entrepreneur, has unveiled her musical talent with the release of her debut single. As of January 15, 2024, Matilda presents her captivating track, 'Dance with You.' This enchanting single is now accessible on various online music platforms, including Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, Deezer, Boomplay, Tidal, Amazon, YouTube, Audiomack, TikTok, Snapchat, Facebook Music, Instagram Music, and more. Feel free to download and share the links with your friends. Your support is truly appreciated. #2024MusicRelease #Matilda #DanceWithYou Explore Matilda's music through these links: Youtube Apple Music Spotify- Itunes link- Boomplay-


  AFRICA When I catch a glimpse of your beauty, Beautiful people, lakes, and rivers, Perfectly crafted mountains, oceans, and waterfalls, Most treasured wildlife, You outshine diamonds brightly.   So peaceful and warm-hearted like Malawi, Your soil pregnant with wealth and pure water is what you excrete, Not surprising how you catch the eyes of tourists, News about you spreads to every corner it touches, For you are truly blessed.   Africa, Africa, my only continent, Rich in natural minerals, With a culture that embraces everything That exists, And beautiful women, And appetizing fish like Chambo in Malawi.   Every time my mind recalls the slave trade, The Thangata system, and all evil acts, Like babies, your people cried, Your people were tortured, Then light came, defeating darkness, Light always wins, Just as Satan never shakes hands with light, Africa is feared, Africa is still on the verge of prospering, Soon we shall wear

Embracing the New Year with Gratitude: Thanking God

Happy New Year!💃🔥🔥 Worship and Thanksgiving! Thanking God for New Year! Psalms 124 If it had not been the Lord who was on our side let Israel now say. If it had not been the Lord who was on our side when people rose against us, then they would have swallowed us up alive, when their anger was kindled against us,then the flood would have swept us away, the torrent would have gone over us,then over us would have gone the raging waters. Blessed be the Lord who has not  given us as a prey to their teeth!, We have escaped like a bird from the snare of the Fowlers the snare is broken and we have escaped! Our help is in the name of the Lord who made heaven and earth. Father we worship you because you are great God who do great things in our lives, come and see what the Lord has done, we adore you our King and our savior, there is none like you Lord, we praise your name, we lift up your name on higher for you are worthy to receive all glory and honor, thank you for this time of prayer thank